ChineseSources.Org TERMS OF SERVICE


This website is operated by Pioneer Media LLC. Terms like “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to Pioneer Media LLC. By using this site or purchasing from us, you agree to these terms.

1. Online Store Terms
- You must be of legal age in your area.
- Do not use our services for illegal activities.
- Violating these terms can lead to service termination.

2. General Conditions
- We can refuse service to anyone at any time.
- Your content may be transferred unencrypted, but credit card info is always encrypted.
- Do not reproduce or sell our services without permission.

3. Accuracy of Information
- We are not responsible for inaccuracies on the site.
- The content is for general information and should not be the sole basis for decisions.

4. Modifications to Service and Prices
- Prices may change without notice.
- We can modify or discontinue the service at any time.

5. Products or Services
- Some products are available online only and may be subject to our Return Policy.
- We try to display product colors and images accurately but can’t guarantee it.
- We may limit sales to certain people or regions.

6. Billing and Account Information
- We can refuse or limit orders at our discretion.
- Provide accurate and updated information for purchases.

7. Optional Tools
- We may offer third-party tools without monitoring them.
- Use these tools at your own risk.

8. Third-Party Links
- We are not responsible for third-party content or websites.
- Review third-party policies before transactions.

9. User Comments and Feedback
- We can use any comments or feedback you provide without restriction.
- Do not post unlawful or offensive content.

10. Personal Information
- Your personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy.

11. Errors and Omissions
- We reserve the right to correct errors and update information without notice.

12. Prohibited Uses
- Do not use the site for unlawful purposes or to violate others' rights.
- Do not transmit viruses or harmful code.

13. Limitation of Liability
- We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free service.
- We are not liable for any damages from using our services.

14. Indemnification
- You agree to indemnify us against any claims arising from your use of our services.

15. Severability
- If any part of these terms is unenforceable, the rest remains in effect.

16. Termination
- These terms remain in effect until terminated by you or us.
- We can terminate the agreement if you violate any terms.

17. Entire Agreement
- These terms, along with any policies, constitute the entire agreement between you and us.

18. Governing Law
- These terms are governed by the laws of Sheridan, WY, USA.

19. Changes to Terms
- We can update these terms at any time. Check this page periodically for changes.

20. Contact Information
- For questions, contact us at


中华资源网站 ChineseSources.Org 服务协议

欢迎访问中华资源网!网站由 Pioneer Media LLC 运营。我们致力于通过在线和线下课程提升汉语和陶艺课程水平,并为对外汉语老师提供高品质课程和培训平台。请在使用服务前仔细阅读本协议,点击“提交注册”即表示您同意遵守此协议。

1.1 本协议是您与中华资源网(ChineseSources.Org)之间关于使用本服务的法律协议。
1.2 中华资源网有权调整或补充本协议,并在平台公告。继续使用服务即视为接受调整或补充。

2.1 课程发布者:有效注册并提供各种课程的个人、法人或其他组织。
2.2 课程:由课程发布者开发或授权的免费或收费课程,包括线下、在线直播、录播等形式。
2.3 中华资源网:提供教育内容生成、传播和学习的数字平台。

3.1 提供付费和免费在线课程。注册并支付费用后方可学习付费课程。用户需维护账户安全,对账户活动负责。
3.2 遵守直播课程时间,错过直播需按规定时间观看回放;录播课程需在规定时间内观看。
3.3 录播课程购买后不可退费;直播课程超过授课时间后不可退费,未上课可申请调班或退费。
3.4 中华资源网仅提供在线课程服务,相关设备和网络由用户自行负担。
3.5 用户可对课程质量进行评价,但不得发布违法或侵犯他人权益的内容。
3.6 用户购买的课程仅供本人学习,不得以任何方式提供给他人。
3.7 禁止恶意攻击、辱骂、诽谤中华资源网工作人员、老师或其他用户。
3.8 因用户个人原因无法上课或观看视频的,由用户自行承担不利后果。
3.9 中华资源网维护平台正常运营,保留用户注册和使用信息,并有权删除非法或侵权信息。

4.1 课程由课程发布者单独提供,用户自行判断课程信息和履约能力。
4.2 支持支付宝和 PayPal 支付,妥善保管支付账号和密码。
4.3 报名成功后按课程发布者规定的时间上课,因用户原因未能接受课程服务的,用户自行承担责任。
4.4 用户支付课程费用后,如需发票等凭证,联系课程发布者解决。
4.5 用户购买课程后符合规定的退费规则,可以申请退费。
4.6 认为课程质量不合格的,应在两天内提出异议并提供证据,逾期视为合格。
4.7 用户无权对已购买的课程进行出售、转让、许可等,违反规定将采取措施。
4.8 课程发布者可不定期更新课程,无需事先同意。

5.1 中华资源网服务中的内容及软件的知识产权归中华资源网所有,未经许可不得使用。
5.2 课程发布者提供的内容由其或其他权利人依法拥有知识产权,未经书面同意不得擅自使用。
5.3 中华资源网的企业标识及商标为其合法财产,未经许可不得擅自使用。

6.1 用户应对使用本服务产生的纠纷自行承担责任,中华资源网不参与课程纠纷。
6.2 支付功能由支付宝和 PayPal 提供,支付纠纷与中华资源网无关。
6.3 课程发布者对其发布的课程承担全部责任,用户因课程产生的纠纷应与课程发布者解决。

- 信息存储空间内容的准确性、有效性、及时性或完整性
- 不可抗力事件
- 用户设备故障或操作不当
- 网络信号不稳定等原因

- 用户以非法目的使用服务
- 用户存在不良记录
- 用户侵犯知识产权或其他合法权益

1. 本协议签订地为中国上海浦东。
2. 本协议适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律,纠纷由协议签订地法院管辖。
3. 中华资源网有权修改本协议条款,并通过网站公告,请用户定期查阅。
4. 协议条款中任何一条无效不影响其他条款的有效性。
5. 中华资源网通过网站通知用户。
6. 本协议自用户注册之日起生效。

如有任何问题,请通过 联系我们。