Chinese Sources

Chinese Sources, a Jingdezhen-based organization, welcomes a vibrant community of professional and amateur potters, painters, sculptors, and visual artists from around the globe. We bring together creatives who are passionate about ceramics and art, providing a platform for sharing opportunities such as jobs, courses, workshops, artist residencies, and resources for buying or selling artworks and ceramic materials. Our organization understands the unique challenges and opportunities of settling in Jingdezhen—the historic capital of China's ceramic industry and is dedicated to helping members thrive in their artistic endeavors and careers.

Join our community of ChineseSources and connect with people who share your interests. Discover new perspectives, share your knowledge, and get the support you need to achieve your goals.

At Chinese Sources, our mission is to not only help you improve your skills and learn new production techniques as a ceramic artist, but also to provide a platform for selling your works, a classroom for continuing your training, a meeting place for fellow artists to exchange ideas, a showcase for your studio creations, and a marketplace for selling your works. Whether you're a ceramic enthusiast, an experienced artist, a ceramics trainer or camp organizer, or an art agent, you'll find opportunities to collaborate with us. We are committed to contributing to the thriving ceramics community and look forward to working with you.

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