How and where to learn Chinese Calligraphy?

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Chinese calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters

In 2009, Chinese calligraphy was added by UNESCO to the representative list of the Intangible Cultural heritage of Humanity. There have been many outstanding calligraphers throughout Chinese history, who have just left us with many great and valuable pieces of work. In china, anyone who has gone to school can write characters, but to write them well is not easy. A beautifully written piece is just like a beautiful painting.

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Unique Traditional Art

The art of calligraphy enjoys a long history in which it has been practiced for thousands of years, during which the artists keep learning from and modeling on the previous works and develop independent styles on the basis of their own characteristics. The combination of different characters produces a totally different visual effect. To practice calligraphy is a form of visual art training. It is commonly said that a successful work depends 70% on fine calligraphy and 30% on skilled carving. One’s personality and moral traits can be told from his/her works of calligraphy.

China Travel Study
One option is a travel study to China. You can start your research mandarin and improve your Chinese language skills besides calligraphy practice. Learning by doing. There are many physical Chinese programs in many cities of China. While enjoying the stunning city tour in China, for a true immersion enjoy, you’ll attend China silk market tour, fans making, handicrafts workshops and other extracurricular activities.

Online Virtual Training Course
If the covid19 pandemic situations make your international travel difficult, you may consider to choose the online virtual training course. Our calligraphy and painting class are mainly based in Shanghai and Beijing, opening to international students, individual adults or group students, to help the beginners to learn basic skills. The period per session is three to six months. There is one hour calligraphy 1-on-1 training online.

Target of Calligraphy Class;

Target of Calligraphy Class;

– Individual adult who wants to improve self-cultivation;
– Individual student who wants to learn calligraphy technique;
– Schools organize group students to explore the traditional Chinese culture;
– Children and parents family tour to explore traditional culture of China;

Experienced Chinese Teachers
There are many freelance experienced teachers and artists of both Chinese calligraphy and painting. All teachers have graduated from China universities with over five years of teaching experience and honorable reputation in the field of art. The classes use Chinese language to help the beginners to start from the introductory level to intermediate or advanced levels. There are Mandarin language courses to help the non-native Chinese learners to understand the rules of painting and practice without difficulty.

Frequently asked questions

Are the courses suitable for beginners?

Both Chinese calligraphy and painting trainings are suitable for people who have no base before. It is easy to start to learn, but will take some time if you expect to reach higher level. The more you practice, the better you will improve.

Is there any limitation to ages?

There is no ages limitation for online training. The travel studies will require students to be over 18 years old; The children below 18-year- old are required to accompany by their parents or guardians.

What is the minimum practice time per day?

You must practice for one hour or two hours every day.

How do I get the learning materials?

Most of the learning materials are written internally and digitally by the teachers and are provided free of charge to the students.

What is the practice content for Chinese calligraphy?

The content of Chinese calligraphy is fully listed here, but it depends on the students’ time to stay to learn in China.
Seal character 篆书—《石鼓文》《袁安碑》
Official Script 隶书—《石门颂》《张迁碑》《礼器碑》
Regular script 楷书—《钟繇 二王小楷》《张黑女墓志》《道德经》
Running Cursive Script行草—《淳化阁贴》《米芾行书》《孙过庭书谱》
Seal Cutting篆刻:印稿临摹,刀法教习,印章基本创作,不同风格同学印章发展定位。

Do I need to buy brush pens, paper and other writing tools?

Students are able to buy the brush pens, paper and other writing tools after arrival in Shanghai, which prices are lower in China.

When to receive the training certificate?

Training Certificate will be awarded after the students finish all the courses and pass the exam.

Is there summer camp? When?

There are one month summer camps every year to start from May 1 and end to Aug. 30.

How much is tuition and total budget for a travel study to Shanghai?

Calligraphy class fee 1800 to 2400 USD/month
Above tuition includes miscellaneous fees, such as, air-conditioning and utilities cost, accidental insurance fees, books and examination fees, certificate fee.
Some costs, such as, clothes, personal medical and epidemic prevention should be paid by students themselves.
Accommodation budget 700 USD/2 persons shared hotel or furnished apartment
Foods and meals 400 USD/month/1 person
Personal life spending 200 to 400 USD/month
Registration Fee: US$120
Visa fee around 100 USD
Flight tickets round trip 300 USD within Asian countries
Flight tickets round trip 2000 USD from America and Europe to China
Prices may change without previous notice.

How is the accommodation?

There are triple or twin furnished room to choose at different prices. The apartments or hotels are within 20 minutes walking distance to the classroom, and equipped with elevators, internet connection, air conditioning, LED TV, telephone, private bathroom, 24 hours hot water supply.

How about the life supply?

Towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and other daily necessities are easily to be purchased and paid by the students. The apartments or hotels are equipped with washing machines. If you choose online training, it will be much saving to the students.

How about the catering, foods supply?

Shanghai is an easy shopping city. Students can choose to eat in the restaurants outside or buy grocery, foods and cook meals themselves.

How much registration fee?

The registration fee is 120 USD per student; Please understand it is nonrefundable after your payment. Chinese Sources is nonprofit service center for international students. The students will pay your tuition directly to our partner school after arrival in China. We shall offer the consultant service to the international students, online application, travel support, issued invitation letter, China visa support, airport picking-up service, home stay or hotels booking service. We act as feeder, we shall collect the individuals, join to a group to meet the minimum class.

What is full time curriculum for summer program? Chinese Calligraphy Class?

+Period : 4 weeks as a minimum
+Contents : Calligraphy class (4hours/day) + Mandarin class (2hour/day)+ Self Practice 2 hours/day = total 8 hours/day
+Time table: from Monday to Friday
+Term : Every month
+Course levels : Beginning Level, Intermediate Level, Advanced Level
+Minimum and maximum students per class: 6 people

There are usually some cultural activities at the weekend, such as, China silk market tour, fans making handicrafts workshop. This program has a tuition sponsorship opportunity to the international students.
Chinese Calligraphy History – Fans Handicrafts Workshop
Shanghai Calligraphy & Painting Training Center

The calligraphy & painting training center is located in Shanghai China. Our object is committed to the inheritance and promotion of the traditional Chinese culture, helping the modern people to learn the traditional Chinese culture and improve the multi-culture communication. Join and enjoy our fantastic study life, You will come to make new friends. Whilst enjoying the stunning city tour in Shanghai, for a true immersion enjoy, you’ll attend China silk market tour, fans making handicrafts workshop, Shanghai Acrobatic Show and Shanghai Art Museum. This program has a tuition sponsorship opportunity to the international students. A good opportunity to explore more active life in Shanghai.

How can I apply for partial tuition sponsorship ? or want to know more details about online training course?

Please leave your message at below message, if possible, leave in your name and email address, I will get back to answer all your questions about tuition support, travel budget, China visa application, departure preparation and school policies.