Chinese Grammar for Nonnative Chinese Students

Practical Chinese Grammar
A Practical Chinese Grammar for nonnative Chinese students is a Chinese-English bilingual primer of modern Chinese grammar. Fundamental grammar rules are explained in a concise and comprehensible way. Numerous example sentences and tables are provided to highlight the classification and functions of words, phrases and sentences. Exercises in diverse forms and answer key provided at the end of the book facilitate self-study. The feature of this courses is that it selects a number of grammatical points which may be obstacles for nonnative speakers and specific notes are given about the usage of these grammatical points. This course will provide exercises in diverse forms and answer key, as well as serving as a valuable and handy reference for both students and teachers of Chinese language.
Module 1 | 导学 Tutorials introduction |
Unit 1 | Chinese grammar introduction |
Module 2 | 词类 Parts of Speech |
Unit 1 | 词 Words |
Unit 2 | 词的分类 Classification of Words |
Unit 3 | 词的兼类 Conversion of parts of speech |
Unit 4 | 名词 Nouns |
Unit 5 | 动词 Verbs |
Unit 6 | 助动词Auxiliary verbs |
Unit 7 | 形容词Adjectives |
Unit 8 | 数词Numerals |
Unit 9 | 量词Measure words |
Unit 10 | 代词Pronouns |
Unit 11 | 副词 Adverbs |
Unit 12 | 介词 Prepositions |
Unit 13 | 连词Conjunctions |
Unit 14 | 助词Particles |
Unit 15 | 叹词Interjections |
Unit 16 | 象声词Onomatopes |
Unit 17 | Table 1.Relationships Between the Parts of Speech and the Elements of a Sentence |
Module 3 | 词组 Phrases |
Unit 1 | 詞组 Phrases |
Unit 2 | 词组的种类 Classification of phrases |
Unit 3 | 词组的分类 The basis for classifying phrases |
Unit 4 | 联合词组The coordinative phrase |
Unit 5 | 主谓词组The Subject-Predicate phrase |
Unit 6 | 动宾词组The Verb Object phrase |
Unit 7 | 偏正词组The endocentric phrase |
Unit 8 | 数量词组The Numeral-Measure word phrase |
Unit 9 | 补充词组The complementary phrase |
Unit 10 | 方位词组The phrase of locality |
Unit 11 | 同位词组The appositive phrase |
Unit 12 | 固定词组The set phrase |
Unit 13 | 介词结构The prepositional phrase |
Unit 14 | 的”字结构 The 的-phrase |
Unit 15 | Table 2.Phrases and Their Functions |
Module 4 | 句子成分 Sentence Elements |
Unit 1 | 主语The subject |
Unit 2 | 谓语 The predicate |
Unit 3 | 宾语 The object |
Unit 4 | 定语 The attributive |
Unit 5 | 状语 The adverbial adjuncts |
Unit 6 | 补语 Complements |
Unit 7 | Table 3. Relationships of Different Parts of Speech and Phrases with Complements of Different Kinds |
Module 5 | 单句 The Simple Sentence |
Unit 1 | 什么是句子 Definition |
Unit 2 | 单句的基本结构 The basic structure of the simple sentence |
Unit 3 | 单句的用途 Functions of the simple sentence |
Unit 4 | 句子的类别 The classification of sentences is shown in the following diagram |
Unit 5 | 按结构分类 Classification of sentences in terms of structure |
Unit 6 | 动词谓语句 Sentences with verbal predicates |
Unit 7 | 形容词谓语句Sentences with adjectival predicates |
Unit 8 | 名词谓语句 Sentences with nominal predicates |
Unit 9 | 主谓谓语 The sentence with an S-P phrase as the predicate |
Unit 10 | 无主句The subject-less sentence |
Unit 11 | 独语句The one-word/phrase sentence |
Unit 12 | 简略句The elliptical sentence |
Unit 13 | 陈述句 The declarative sentence |
Unit 14 | 疑问句 The interrogative sentence |
Unit 15 | 祈使句The imperative sentence |
Unit 16 | 感叹句 The exclamatory sentence |
Module 6 | 动作的状态 Aspects of an Action |
Unit 1 | 什么是动作的状态 Definition |
Unit 2 | 常见的几种动作状态 Common ways to indicate the aspect of an action |
Unit 3 | 动作的进行态 The progressive aspect of an action |
Unit 4 | 动作的持续态The continuous aspect of an action |
Unit 5 | 动作的完成态The perfect aspect of an action |
Unit 6 | 动作的变化态 The changing aspect of an action |
Unit 7 | 动作的经历态 Actions as past experience |
Module 7 | 特殊的动词 Sentences with Special Verbal Predicates |
Unit 1 | “是”字句 The 是-sentence |
Unit 2 | 有”字句 The 有-sentence |
Unit 3 | “把”字句 The 把-sentence |
Unit 4 | “被”字句 The 被-sentence |
Unit 5 | 连动句 Sentences with verbal constructions in series |
Unit 6 | 兼语句 Pivotal sentences |
Unit 7 | 存现句 Existential sentences |
Module 8 | 表示比较的方法 Ways of Expressing Comparison |
Unit 1 | Using 比 to express comparison |
Unit 2 | Using 跟 to express comparison |
Unit 3 | Using 有 to express comparison |
Unit 4 | Using 像 to express comparison |
Unit 5 | Using 不如 to express comparison |
Unit 6 | Using 越来越 to express comparison |
Module 9 | 表示强调的方法 Ways of Expressing Emphasis |
Unit 1 | 用疑问代词表示强调 Using interrogative pronouns to express emphasis |
Unit 2 | Using “连……都 to express emphasis |
Unit 3 | Using the adverb 是 to express emphasis |
Unit 4 | Using the adverb 就 to express emphasis |
Unit 5 | Using double negation to express emphasis |
Unit 6 | Using 是的 to express emphasis |
Module 10 | 复句 Complex Sentences |
Unit 1 | 什么是复句 Definition |
Unit 2 | 复句的特点 Grammatical features |
Unit 3 | 复句的种类 Types of complex sentences |
Unit 4 | 并列复句 Coordinate complex sentences |
Unit 5 | 并列复句和关联词 Coordinate complex sentences and correlatives |
Unit 6 | 偏正复句 Subordinate complex sentences |
Unit 7 | 偏正复句和关联词 Subordinate complex sentences and the correlatives |
Unit 8 | 紧缩句 The contracted sentence |