Learn Chinese by Listening Idiom Stories
Listen to Chinese Stories for 12 useful Chinese idioms
Free 12 Chinese Idioms Tutorials
Learn Chinese by listening idioms stories. Storytelling is a same tradition around the world, and chances are you’ve been asking to hear stories and telling your own stories ever since you learned to speak. Just as listening to stories is one of the main ways we learn our mother language as children, listening to stories in a second language like Chinese can help us take our Chinese language skills to the next level. Stories help us learn Chinese in a fun and interesting way. We provide 12 amazing free audio and textbook online where you can listen to the Chinese idiom tales while reading the Chinese transcript on the same page.
For starters, you can listen to the same story multiple times. Repetition is a great way to improve understanding and memorization of important Chinese words and concepts.
Try just focusing on the main idea of the story the first time you listen to it. See if you can figure out what the theme or main plot of the story is about.
Keeping a vocabulary journal can be extremely helpful when you’re learning a language. As you listen to these stories, you should be expanding your vocabulary. Keeping a journal of new words allows you to refer back to them if you need more practice and provides you with a physical way to assess your progress during your listening time.
Lastly, after you’ve listened to the story a few times, download the transcript and read it. You can either do this on your own or read along while listening to the audio recording of the story again. This will ensure that you understand exactly what you’re hearing and will clear up any words or phrases you don’t know how to spell.
Now that you are set with the tools you need, it is time to get started listening to Chinese idiom stories with the following 12 amazing units!
All the twelve units are FREE. Take a look at the sample tutorial and PDF textbook. If you want to finish all 12 units, please register free first then to login.
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Module 1 | Unit 1 - 6 |
Unit 1 | 1. 草菅人命 |
Unit 2 | 2. 惩一戒百 |
Unit 3 | 3. 打草惊蛇 |
Unit 4 | 4. 得过且过 |
Unit 5 | 5. 孤注一掷 |
Unit 6 | 6. 疾风知劲草 |
Module 2 | Units 7- 12 |
Unit 1 | 7. 开诚布公 |
Unit 2 | 8. 空前绝后 |
Unit 3 | 9. 空中楼阁 |
Unit 4 | 10. 狼狈为奸 |
Unit 5 | 11. 劳苦功高 |
Unit 6 | 12. 老马识途 |